Tuesday, June 21, 2011


Each friend represents a world in us, a world possibly not born until they arrive, and it is only by this meeting that a new world is born.
- Anais Nin
Today I love …
            Fresh veggies
            Morning swims
            It is summer time
            My new [amazing] coffee machine [thank you Cathee and Martha]
            Not smoking
            Planning my trip to MA
Tid bits from the homefront:
I have been busy here on the home front, trusting the universe as I work on building this new life of mine … internet issues have prevented me from posting my babbling the past few days. Productive and relaxing couple of weeks here in the woods. My yard is looking great, and I so love having cut flowers inside from my own gardens. It seems the internet is back up and running beautifully – stronger and faster than ever. Yeah. Life is good.

The no smoking thing is going great. I still get edgy and nervous – though those times are becoming further and further apart – yeah.

Bees are completely gone … yeah … what an ordeal that was. Feeling pretty good about getting it handled. Thank you Cherie – we did it!

My newest netflix addiction is MI-5 [a bbc series]. I’ve been loving it. I so enjoy the bbc entertainment.

The garden is doing great. Yesterday I pulled a few of the spaghetti squash plants out of the ground … they were really taking over and I still have no idea how I got so many plants. I have been enjoying dinners with summer squash and spaghetti squash for the past few days, and am very happy that all of the tomato plants are filling up with green tomatoes.

I am feeling so grateful

The idea of really changing up one’s life is [equally] exciting and scary. I am excited about it most of the time, mixed with a few bouts of panic, here and there, when I get nervous that it isn’t going to all fall into place. Trusting that it will – that it is … is with me most of the time.

How fortunate I am to have such amazing fam and friends … the crazy journey of the past 2 years has been the most growing time of my entire life. Pretty cool. Love that I can say that, and mean that, now. So grateful to have been surrounded with [and often caught when needed] by so much love …

I realize I am scattered with my thoughts/writing … still think it is the no-smoking thing … writing without a cigarette is very new to/for me … hope I can get back the knack of doing it – soon.

The Summer Solstice is a mystical / magical stop in time … loving the tilt in the universe. Turning the dark into light …

The greatest good you can do for another is not just share your riches, but to reveal to him, his own."
-Benjamin Disraeli
Until tomorrow xo
Be what you want the world to be

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