Happy Birthday [yesterday] Terri xxxooo
Cathee - feel better soon xxxooo
Things I love today …
Fall garden is planted
Patio is fresh and clean
Sparkling pool water
Not thinking about smoking
Working technology
Purple flowers
Cool mornings
Tid bits from the homefront:
This week has been a busy one. There is much I still want to accomplish here at home before beginning new work opportunities outside of the home next week, and starting school with Jacob the following week. I miss you Jacob.
I have missed writing here each day, and sharing photos of my ‘stuff’, and hope to be back to that now as Ryan completely overhauled my computer and it is working beautifully. Thank you Thank you. And thanks to all of you who have been sending me notes, inquiring about ‘lack of blog’ … I so appreciate you.
Doesn’t the purple look so pretty with all of the green … I am loving the bursts of color all around the yard … The garden is ready for Fall planting – much weeding needed to happen – I began planting, and will finish today – made new ‘Fall tag stakes’ , too.
soon to be potato spot
need basil? come over ... I have basil trees everywhere
clearing the garden for Fall Fun veggies
My puppies seem to be feeling the energy of what will be the labyrinth – they love hanging out there …
I woke this morning, after a perfect night's sleep, with a gazillion thoughts running through my head … not nervous thoughts, as they once were - good thoughts – positive things that have been happening in my life … feeling at peace with so much … love that. Watching the goals I set in May, come to fruition, just as planned … pretty cool. And, pretty silly were the days when I doubted myself. I am going to share more about the journey I have been on, very soon. As soon as Ryan retrieves all of my files from when my computer went hoopy,and I finish getting a legal glitch handled, I have many thoughts to share.
Judgment is such a negative thing … before judging let’s take a few minutes [or sometimes longer] to walk in another person's shoes …
I'm feeling irritated [nice word] a bout some things right now - maybe tomorrow I'll be able to spew ... thanks for being here - even when I fail to show up - grateful grateful
until tomorrow xo
please - be what you want the world to be ...